Bear Deterrent By PVB

July 19, 2019

No bear deterrent is currently available that prevents bears from damaging trash cans, spreading trash all over your yard and tearing up your yard. Consumers can only purchase "bear spray" for preventing a bear from attacking them should they encounter bears unexpectedly. Bear spray containing oleoresin capsicum (similar to pepper spray chemicals) stops bears from attacking humans but will not stop bears from getting into trash cans.

Proactive Bear Deterrent by PVB Repels Bears Instantly

Bears are opportunistic feeders when it comes to their diet, especially black bears living near small urban areas. Although a bear's favorite foods consist of insects, berries, roots and fish, they will easily develop a preference for human food once they have eaten garbage scraps. In addition, male black bears may roam a territory up to 80 square miles in size. That means a home or business owner could have dozens of hungry bears visiting their trash cans or dumpsters every night.

Bear Deterrent by PVB contains non-toxic chemicals that stops bears from overturning trash cans and spreading dumpster garbage all over parking lots. Simply spray Bear Deterrent around and on trash cans, dumpsters and other receptacles containing garbage. Bear Deterrent by PVB can also be used for camping purposes. Spray it on tents, around campsites and on camping items you wish to prevent bears from destroying.

Once bears smell the scent of this advanced bear deterrent spray, they will avoid getting near the scent and eventually leave the area. Repeating applications of PVB Bear Deterrent will teach bears not to even bother coming around anymore.

Why Alternatives to Bear Deterrent by PVB Don't Work

Advantages to using Bear Deterrent by PVB over other methods include:

  • More affordable than buying, installing and powering an electric fence
  • Provides long-term deterrence compared to using airhorns, bells or other noise-makers. You have to wait for a bear to appear before using an airhorn or bell. With Bear Deterrent, just spray on trash cans and dumpsters and leave the area. There's nothing more you need to do
  • Has no toxic effects on bears. Electric fences or barbed-wire fence may seriously injure bears or mother bears with cubs that still require nursing
  • Has been proven much more effective at deterring bears than motion-sensor lights

Bear Deterrent by PVB represents the next generation of powerfully proactive bear deterrent sprays.

Contact us to learn about manufacturing, wholesale, retail, licensing and distribution opportunities for Bear Deterrent By PVB.